Yesterday the final day of the March spay event took place! A grand total of 65 animals were spayed or...
Day 1 of The Great Catsby Spayathon in Agighiol village
Good evening The Great Catsby Spay & Neuter Mission supporters and friends. We would like to announce that day one...

‼️‼️‼️ ANNOUNCEMENT ‼️‼️‼️
We have our first spay and neuter campaign of the year coming up soon on the 21st of March followed shortly...
The second day of the Tulcea spayathon concluded with a fantastic 42 more animals spayed
This brings us to a grand total of 102 cats and dogs spayed or neutered! We would like to say...
Day 1 of The Great Catsby Spayathon in Mahmudia village
Day 1 of The Great Catsby Spayathon in Mahmudia village, Tulcea county has come to a close. There were 60...