September 19, 2022April 12, 2024

Donate for the lives of eight souls in need

Donate for the lives of eight souls in need


Campaign Target


£700 to go

Unfortunately, the mirror of the society we live in can also be found in this campaign’s images.

The lack of active involvement and of moral responsibility leads to situations like this: innocent souls that come into this world, unaware that the reality that awaits them is most oftenly death, quick or in agony.

These eight babies appeared like many others, on a building block staircase, at the mercy of passers-by, chased by residents, sick, hungry, fearful.

There were nine, but one of them was lying on the cement, waiting for the end of a life that had just begun. She was taken to the vet for first aid, but the little one did not make it through that night. Her death would be in vain if we allowed the fate of her little brothers to be the same.

Therefore, please help us take them in so we can give them a chance at life! I appealed to the goodwill of animal lovers for foster care, but unfortunately, we did not find anyone, our homes are filled and we have many other cats accommodated at veterinary offices, and the dear people who help us with fostering are in the same situation. So many kittens on the waiting list, waiting for their turn to be adopted…

Since we don’t have even a small corner to accomodate them anymore, the babies will be placed in a veterinary office, and the costs will be enormous given their number. They are all sick and will require treatments, tests, internal and external deworming, vaccines, quality food, immunity supplements, etc.

Only with your help we can help them too, we are overwhelmed by the number of animals we are taking care of until their eventual adoption, new cases do not seize to appear, and our inability will mean their end.

The little ones and their needs will be presented one by one in the coming days, as soon as we get to know them better.

We are grateful for any donation, share and/or expression of desire to adopt any of them. Each of the babies deserves a family of their own, a long and beautiful life, without worries, with lots of love and pampering.