July 10, 2022April 12, 2024

Found… dumped in an empty dog food bag in the trash

Found… dumped in an empty dog food bag in the trash


Campaign Target


£500 to go

Found… dumped in an empty dog food bag in the trash: 10 newborn kittens.

Thrown away as rubbish and left to die a slow and painful death.

These innocents, too many to belong to just one cat, ripped away from their mothers nests.

Thankfully they were found and ended up in the care of The Great Catsby who found them surrogate mum’s, a warm bed and plenty of love.

Sadly not all of them survived the horror and to date 7 have survived.

The cost involved in rearing 2 or 3 litters of kittens is vast.

They will need special kitten food at weaning, use untold amounts of cat litter, treating for parasites without even thinking of vaccinations and neutering costs.

We are at the start of the journey though and we will take this one step at a time.

For now we are looking at the needs of the surrogates and to the first 8 weeks. We estimate costs of about £500.

Can you help by donating, no amount too little. Please I ask you for the sake of these babies.