Poor Honey is a sweet girl suffering with a neurological digestive disorder.
She was so close to finding her forever home, when she suddenly became extremely and severely unwell. 💔
We started to notice she had some concerning digestive symptoms, alternating between constipation and loose stools.
She was taken quickly to the vets, tested twice for giardia on different days, yet both tests came back negative. It became obvious that further investigations would be necessary.😪
Honey’s health sadly deteriorated.
She began vomiting, leaking a lot, including stomach acid. She was exhausted, apathetic and weak.
The vet conducted an ultrasound, however we found nothing to truly explain her symptoms. She had a dilated bile duct with inflamed mesenteric lymph nodes, but these did not help to pinpoint a diagnosis.
Honey continued to suffer. She was taken to the vets for IVs, support treatment and hydration regularly. We looked after and cared for her well.
So far, she had been consulted by the best vets in the field and even they were out of their depth. Her case was so complex and puzzling.
After several investigations, consultations with three different vets, ultrasounds, x rays, bloodwork, stool sample analysis (which tested negative for everything) there was no conclusive diagnosis for poor Honey.😔
She still couldn’t eliminate properly, was leaking in random places and was unaware she was doing it. Honey was visibly frustrated and upset when she realised that she was making a mess.
✨️The next and only remaining step was for her to be admitted to an expensive, but reputable clinic for further extensive tests.
✨️Further check-ups, tests, X-rays, and ultrasounds were conducted on her digestive system. The ultrasound showed old faeces in her system. Doctors tried some medicine that would help her eliminate naturally, but this didn’t work unfortunately.
An emergency enema was conducted under anesthesia, doctors were in shock at how much faeces they removed from her body. Honey must have been in a lot of pain 😪
A few days after this procedure, she stopped eating, became depressed and had a high fever.
An ultrasound showed an inflammatory region visible on her lower digestive system.
Unfortunately, Honey’s problem has now been disgnosed as a neurological one.
Stress of any kind, triggered especially by small spaces, will result in another episode of illness and she can and will deteriorate rapidly.
She simply has to have a stress-free life and we can’t risk her life putting her on transport to be adopted overseas.
Honey has stabilized now and is under neurological digestive treatment, but we need support to cover the expenses of her enormous vet bills.
If you could help spare £1 towards honey our PayPal account is [email protected] (friends and family)
Thank you to our amazing supporters ❤️
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