
About Me

Skye is one miracle cat. Looking back, it’s almost impossible to believe that this is the same cat we found just a few months ago, hit by a car, taking her last breaths on the side of a road, literally eaten alive by maggots.

Skye is a 3-4 years old cat, who had a home and a family before this terrible episode. Then, for reasons beyond her control, she was abandoned. Not being used with the dangers of the street, she soon was hit by a car, resulting in a broken jaw, one lost eye, infested wounds, severe trauma to the second eye (that luckily she can still partially see with).

Skye went through several major surgeries after we rescued her after having endured a lot of unimaginable physical pain, fear of abandonment, confusion and sadness. She had been agonizing for days the side of the road, eaten alive by maggots.

But this wonderful little soul never gave up fighting for her life, never stopped believing in humanity and loving deeply everyone she ever interacted with, on the contrary, even in the many moments when she endured so much pain and faced the inability to eat on her own, Skye wanted only one thing: to feel someone close, she would purr loudly and bury her head to their chest, stay in their arms and fall asleep there.

Her message then and now is: “Never let me go.”

Even though her eyesight is 80% impaired, even though she has been through so much torment, our girl acts like a happy, carefree kitten, she is playful and now needs no special treatment or care. She is doing as well as any other perfectly healthy kitten, she intensely enjoys everything her new life offers her, but most of all, she enjoys people’s attention.

She is desperate to feel like she belongs, to be a part of someone’s life, clings to anyone who offers her love and she generously gives more than she receives.

Our treasured baby has given us a life lesson, she’s more than a difficult case of a hurt cat, Skye first broke our hearts and then managed to put them back together effortlessly.

Our miracle girl wants a forever Human of her own, who’ll never let her down, as she won’t either, nor would she know how.

Unfortunately, she doesn’t get along with other cats, which is why we want Skye to be an only cat, to get all the pampering, love and care she craves so much.

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