We have our first spay and neuter campaign of the year coming up soon on the 21st of March followed shortly after by our second of the year on the 28th of March
We will be heading to Tulcea, which is where our rescue first began we will be going to two separate villages to help tackle the magnitude of stray cats and dog there
Its this vast amount of strays as well as her love for animals, which envoked Madalina Sbarcea to make a difference and start rescuing as many as she could, from there the rescue has grew and so has the number of cats and dogs
which is why our spay and neuter campaigns are vital!
Not only are we reducing the number of unwanted litters and treating them for illnesses, we are also educating the locals, helping the ones feeding colonies, as well as the ones who use cats and dogs to help around the farm and home.
Without these campaigns so many animals would be left to suffer with no quality of life
Our first stop is Luncavita on the 21st where we will be stationed for two days with a team of vets before moving to Slaa Cercheza on the 28th for further two days
We have 40 cats and 20 dogs booked in for each village but no doubt we will be presented with more each cat we neuter costs £27 and each dog costs £32
f you would like to help one of these souls have a chance of a better life, please comment below
Our Bank account is:
Mrs D S Williams
Acc no: 73577767
Sort code: 20-74-09
And our pay Paypal is: [email protected]
(Please select friends and family)

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