Author: admin (alex stoiu)

Lost indoor cats

Lost indoor cats

Usually lost indoor cats, poorly cats or cats who have escaped in a new area won’t go far from home and will hide somewhere close by because they are frightened of unfamiliar surroundings. Knock neighbours in your street and the street behind to make them aware. Check neighbour’s gardens, sheds, garages, under bushes, under decking,...

March 31, 2022April 11, 2022In Tips
Support and assistance for Ukrainian refugees

Support and assistance for Ukrainian refugees

RO / EN / Ukrainian 💙💛 Ne bucuram sa putem anunta ca prin intermediul parteneriatului pe care il avem cu Fundatia ROLDA si cu cabinetul veterinar DMA Vetland, oferim sprijin refugiatilor ucraineni ce tranziteaza judetul Tulcea cu animelele de companie (caini si pisici). Am dus si vom duce constant, atat timp cat este nevoie, hrana...

March 24, 2022March 31, 2022In News