Category: News

Commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine

Commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine

Great Britain has temporarily suspended the commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets if they originate from or have been dispatched from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine, until 29 October 2022. Commercial imports are the sale of or the transfer of ownership of a pet animal. This includes rescue animals and if you are travelling...

September 2, 2022September 2, 2022In News
Commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine

Commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets to Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine

Great Britain has temporarily suspended the commercial import of dogs, cats and ferrets if they originate from or have been dispatched from Belarus, Poland, Romania or Ukraine, until 3 September 2022. Commercial imports are the sale of or the transfer of ownership of a pet animal. This includes rescue animals and if you are travelling...

July 8, 2022July 8, 2022In News
Support and assistance for Ukrainian refugees

Support and assistance for Ukrainian refugees

RO / EN / Ukrainian 💙💛 Ne bucuram sa putem anunta ca prin intermediul parteneriatului pe care il avem cu Fundatia ROLDA si cu cabinetul veterinar DMA Vetland, oferim sprijin refugiatilor ucraineni ce tranziteaza judetul Tulcea cu animelele de companie (caini si pisici). Am dus si vom duce constant, atat timp cat este nevoie, hrana...

March 24, 2022March 31, 2022In News