Spaying campaigns

Important announcement 🧡

Important announcement 🧡

At the end of July, The Great Catsby will be holding spayathon event in Romania. We have set a goal to spay 100 animals, approx 60 cats at a cost of £27 and 40 dogs at a cost of £32 per spay/neuter. This brings us to an estimated total of £2900. Let's do this!

£2900 to go
Important announcement!

Important announcement!

In two weeks time The Great Catsby will be holding a much needed spayathon event in Romania. As you know, many cats and dogs are born into lives of unnecessary pain & suffering. Wonderful projects like spayathon events can go a long way to prevent further suffering and save lives. We really need your help!

£2900 to go
Save the date

Save the date

After the success of our recent spayathon events we are pleased to announce there will be another one this coming weekend!  Tulcea, Romania, 25th-26th november.

£1000 to go
Exciting news incoming!

Exciting news incoming!

We are delighted to announce there will be another spay event this weekend 12-13 november!  The spayathon is coming to a village called slava cercheza, helping around 120 cats and dogs!

£4000 to go
🔊 The October Spayathon is coming up! 🔊

🔊 The October Spayathon is coming up! 🔊

🟠 In three weeks time, once again with a team of ten amazing vets, we are holding a 250 animal spayathon 🟠 This part of our work is vital and all 250 spaces for the animals are already filled with the huge waiting list we have from our August Spayathon!

£1000 to go
Sterilizări gratuite pentru câini şi pisici [RO]

Sterilizări gratuite pentru câini şi pisici [RO]

A venit momentul sa anuntam urmatorul maraton de sterilizari Cu efortul concentrat al multor oameni implicaţi, am ajuns în ultima sută de metri cu pregătirea urmãtoarei campanii de sterilizări gratuite la Tulcea, dedicată animalelor străzii şi oamenilor fără posibilităţi materiale.

£1000 to go