
About Me

To be or not to be a single cat? That’s the question. Single or… I decided: i want to forever live with my daughter, Neve, the only kitty I want by my side, she is a lot like me, she resembles me inside and out, we are two princesses and we want to be treated as such.

I, Mimi, am about two years old and I was brought with my 7 months old daughters to a spay/neuter campaign. There, we were seen by some good people and they decided we can’t go back on the streets, having white fur and extremely fair skin, the sun is dangerous for us, we heard that we can get carcinoma if we are exposed to UV rays, our ears and noses looked pretty bad then.

We had serious skin problems, problems that have improved over time after we got the care we needed, but it will be a long time before our fur looks the way it should. For now, we are content with the progress, as we are already much better.

My daughter, Neve (Snow in Italian), was also sick, she was diagnosed with calicivirus, but after a thorough treatment and receiving the first vaccines, the condition got better, doctors said it was a flare up due to low immunity. Neve is doing very well now, didn’t have a problem since.

I am not at all happy to share my space with other cats than Neve, I just don’t like them. I need a castle of our own and at least one Human that meets the criteria of an ideal servant. These are: space with lots of fluffy places to snuggle, tasty food, the Human must love me and Neve (my pride and joy) unconditionally, caress us and often tell us how special we are. We love to hear that. We also need constant check ups, especially for dear daughter of mine, we need to make sure her gums are kept healthy.

We don’t have a mirror to see ourselves in, but we feel that we are very special. And of course, i look at my daughter and see myself. 😁

We are also loving girls and we offer affection to Humans that give us everything we want and deserve: respect, a safe life, pampering, love and long hours of staring blankly and stroking our fur that will become more and more beautiful and soft in time.

And we might act like divas, but we forget about etiquette when we play. I sometimes forget to act my age.

Allow us to grace you with our exquisite presence and we’ll be the best companions you ever had!

Here is the link to my beautiful baby’s album: https://thegreatcatsby.org/pet/neve/

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